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Managing Your Mind, The Mental Fitness Guide

Gillian Butler and Tony Hope

Managing Your Mind, The Mental Fitness Guide

Managing Your Mind is a book for building resilience, overcoming emotional difficulties and enabling self-development. It is for any of us who wish to understand ourselves better, to be more effective in day-to-day life, to overcome current problems; or who want to support others in these tasks. The authors have between them almost 100 years of experience helping people respond skillfully to life's challenges. Drawing on this experience as well as on cutting-edge scientific research, Managing Your Mind distills effective techniques and ideas, enabling readers to select those that suit their preferences and needs.

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Copies in our library:

Bipolar Edinburgh maintains a small library of books, CDs and DVDs. To borrow from the library you need to have attended at least two group meetings and registered your contact information with the group facilitators. We normally allow people to borrow items for two months, but please bring them back earlier if possible.


Managing Your Mind, The Mental Fitness Guide
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