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About bipolar
Information on what is bipolar, what to look for if you've not had a diagnosis and access to information on all medications in the UK that are prescribed for bipolar.
NHS inform | Bipolar disorder overview
Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a condition that affects your moods, which can swing from one extreme to another. People with bipolar disorder have periods or episodes of: depression – feeling very low and lethargic; and mania – feeling very high and overactive (less severe mania is known as hypomania).
Bipolar services and resources
Where you can get help with managing your bipolar as well as other useful resources.
Bipolar Edinburgh | Penumbra
Our free peer support service is for people aged 18-65 living in Edinburgh with a bipolar diagnosis. A peer support practitioner working for Penumbra will meet with you weekly for 12 sessions on a one-to-one basis either in-person, or occasionally online or on the phone, helping you to build your knowledge, confidence and resilience for a better quality of life.
Bipolar UK | Apps for managing mood.
Daily tracker apps can make it much easier to document your mood, bipolar symptoms and habits and to recognise trends, triggers and patterns.
We’ve picked apps that help you track, understand and manage your mood a bit better, which will help you to get on top of your self-management plan and live well.
Sleeping well is one of the most important things in a life with bipolar. Check out these useful resources to learn how to do it well.
Health, wellbeing & nutrition
Working towards physical and mental wellbeing is something we all can do today. Here are some pointers.
Mental health in pregnancy and after birth (SIGN)
This toolkit provides advice on your mental health when planning a pregnancy, during pregnancy and after your baby is born. The information is from the SIGN guideline, which gives recommendations for good practice based on medical research and experience from health and social care professionals and people with lived experience.
Counselling, therapy & psychiatry
A range of services, both online and in-person.
Services and resources for those who care for people with bipolar. | Becoming a named person for someone detained in hospital
If someone you care about becomes unwell they may need to be detained in hospital (also known as 'sectioned') under the Mental Health Act.
If this happens, they can choose to nominate a 'named person'. The named person can help them be involved in and understand decisions about their care and treatment.