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21 February 2018
Call number:
Can I tell you about Bipolar Disorder?: A guide for friends, family and professionals
Sonia Mainstone-Cotton
Can I tell you about Bipolar Disorder? is a short family guide by Sonia Mainstone-Cotton. It is about a boy called Josh, aged 11 and his mother and father. His father is a baker and he has bipolar. The book provides Josh’s perspective about what it’s like having a parent who has bipolar.
Josh describes how his dad is sometimes extremely happy when he is having a manic episode and then his depression.
“Sometimes Dad’s illness makes me feel sad,” says Josh. “I am not scared by his illness but it makes me feel sad when I can see he is so unwell.”
The guide also gives pointers for how friends and school can help and provides a list of recommended sources for additional support.
Date | Transaction Type | Borrower Name | Mobile | email | Returned Date |
17/06/2024 | Ordered | Amazon |
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