Services and resources for those who care for people with bipolar.
Carer Support Payment
Social Security Scotland's Carer Support Payment replaces Carer's Allowance for people in Lothian from 4th November 2024. If you already get Carer's Allowance, you don't need to apply as your award will transfer automatically. You may be eligible if you: a) are 16 or over; b) provide 35 hours or more of unpaid care a week to someone of any age who is getting certain disability benefits; and c) earn £151 per week or less on average after some deductions. | Becoming a named person for someone detained in hospital
If someone you care about becomes unwell they may need to be detained in hospital (also known as 'sectioned') under the Mental Health Act.
If this happens, they can choose to nominate a 'named person'. The named person can help them be involved in and understand decisions about their care and treatment.

Bipolar Edinburgh
35/1 Royal Terrace
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