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Bipolar Services & Resources

Where you can get help with managing your bipolar as well as other useful resources from Bipolar Edinburgh, Bipolar Scotland and Bipolar UK.

Bipolar Edinburgh | All-ages peer support group

Bipolar Edinburgh | All-ages peer support group

Our monthly meeting in Edinburgh. Everyone affected by bipolar is welcome including family, friends and carers. The format is that we normally have a guest speaker talking about a topic that's bipolar-related, then we mix and chat for a while over tea and coffee. Meetings are hybrid - you can attend either in person or on Zoom.

Bipolar Edinburgh + Penumbra | 1-to-1 Peer Support Service

Bipolar Edinburgh + Penumbra | 1-to-1 Peer Support Service

Our free peer support service is for people aged 18-65 living in Edinburgh with a bipolar diagnosis. A peer support practitioner working for Penumbra will meet with you weekly for up to 12 sessions on a one-to-one basis either in-person, or occasionally online or on the phone, helping you to build your knowledge, confidence and resilience for a better quality of life.

Bipolar Edinburgh | Carers support group

Bipolar Edinburgh | Carers support group

We are an on-line group which offers a safe and confidential space for any carer who may be experiencing challenges living with or caring for someone with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar Edinburgh | cuppa & chat

Bipolar Edinburgh | cuppa & chat

We regularly meet in some of the best independently-run coffee shops around to enjoy each other's company. Your chance to hang out with your bipolar peers and make new connections within the bipolar community.

Bipolar Scotland | Peers Together

Bipolar Scotland | Peers Together

Peers Together is one-to-one peer support for anyone who lives with bipolar and provides up to 12 meetings with a Peer Worker or Peer Volunteer. Meetings will take place over the telephone or by video, and we can work with anyone aged 16+ who lives in Scotland.

Bipolar Scotland | Beyond diagnosis

Bipolar Scotland | Beyond diagnosis

Beyond Diagnosis offers adults in Scotland that are newly diagnosed with bipolar the unique experience of engaging with Peer Workers and Peer Volunteers who can support you for up to six months.

Bipolar UK | eCommunity

Bipolar UK | eCommunity

Bipolar UK's ecommunity is a supportive online forum for everyone affected by bipolar

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